TopazCrm Manual - Support Ticket

Support Tickets

CRMs need to focus on customers and Topaz CRM does that with a powerful support system that helps you track and resolve issues quickly via the integrated ticket system.

Every logged in client will be able to open new ticket, tickets for guest are only allowed with email piping

- Open Ticket From Admin Area

To open new ticket click on the sidebar menu item Support -> New Ticket

  • Select assignee. (Default is you and also you can set it to none)
  • Select customer
  • Select department
  • Select desired priority
  • Add ticket subject
  • Add ticket message

What happens when the ticket is created?

When ticket is created the client will receive email that a new ticket is opened. The email content can be configured from the Email Templates area going to Setup -> Email Templates -> New Ticket Opened (Admin). This is the email template that will be send to client when ticket is opened from the admin area directly to the client.

If you choose to assign this ticket to another staff member, this staff member will receive notification that this ticket is assigned to him/her.
Note: If the staff member you are assigning the ticket is no in this department where the ticket belongs and the option Setup -> Settings -> Tickets -> Allow staff to access only ticket that belongs to staff departments is checked then he wont be able to view the ticket.

- Ticket Services

Ticket services is feature in Perfex CRM that allows you customer to select to what service/product this ticket is related when opening new ticket.


  1. Product/Service 1
  2. Product/Service 2
  3. Product/Service 3

When your customer will open the ticket the admin will know that this ticket is related to specific service.

You can easily enable/disable this option from Setup->Settings->Tickets.

To create new ticket service navigate to Setup->Support->Services.

- Priorities

You can easily customize ticket priorities by going to Setup-> Support -> Ticket priority

Tickets priority are feature in Topaz CRM to easily answer and check the tickets by priorities.

Some customers will always choose the HIGH priority but feel free to organize for your needs.

- Statuses

You can easily customize ticket status by going to Setup->Support -> Ticket statuses

Topaz Crm comes with general predefined statuses which you can't delete because they are around the application. You can only change the name. While listing ticket statuses you can view in this moment how many tickets are currently in the status.

Setting status color: Click on the edit button while listing and you can easily pick status color.

- Change Ticket Status Without Making Reply

You can change the ticket status without making the reply.

Open the ticket you want to change the status and on the top right side select the desired status.
Status will be updated automatically after change. you don't need to save any changes.


NOTE: No email will be sent to the customer to inform that the status is changed.

- Predefined Replies

Setup some predefined replies that you are using very often so you wont need anymore to type it again and again.

Go to Setup -> Support -> Predefined Replies.

When replying or opening to ticket click on the button Add predefined reply. A popup modal will be opened you only need to click on the plus icon to insert into the reply field.


- Knowledge Base Link

When replying or opening ticket click on the button Insert knowledge base link.

A popup modal will be opened you only need to click on the plus icon to insert into the reply field, the link will be inserted where your cursor currently is pointed in the reply area edit.


Note: If Setup -> Settings -> Customers -> Use Knowledge Base is set to No you wont be able to use this option.

- Maximum Ticket Attachments

Go to Setup -> Settings -> Tickets -> Maximum ticket attachments to adjust maximum tickets attachments

- Allowed File Extensions

For the support feature allowed file extensions are separated from the global system allowed file extensions.

To configure the support ticket file extensions navigate to Setup->Settings->Tickets-> Allowed file extensions.

The file extensions added will apply also when the ticket is auto imported from Email Piping or IMAP.

- Private Staff Notes

To add private ticket note open the ticket and click on the Notes tab from on top.
Ticket notes are only visible to staff members so they can collaborate together if multiple assistance is required.


- Translating Ticket Priorities And Ticket Statuses

Ticket priorities and ticket statuses are stored in database, however with Topaz CRM you have the ability to translate them based on their ID.

Note that changing the name from the admin area wont affect how will be shown to the customers/staff members, you will need to change/include in the language file by creating your own custom_lang.php file. The names from the admin area are used for your own recognition.
Only statuses/priorities that dont exists in the language files will be shown the same like they are in the database.

- Translating ticket statuses:

By default all the predefined system statuses will be included in the language files with the following keys:

  • ticket_status_db_1 (Open)
  • ticket_status_db_2 (In Progress)
  • ticket_status_db_3 (Answered)
  • ticket_status_db_4 (On Hold)
  • ticket_status_db_5 (Closed)

If we want to translate the ticket status Open, this status is with ID 1 create your own custom_lang.php file and add the following lang key:

$lang[‘ticket_status_db_1’] = ‘My Open Ticket Status’;

- Translating ticket priorities:

By default all the predefined system priorities will be included in the language files with the following keys:

  • ticket_priority_db_1 (Low)
  • ticket_priority_db_2 (Medium)
  • ticket_priority_db_3 (High)

If we want to translate the ticket status Low, this priority is with ID 1 create your own custom_lang.php file and add the following lang key:

$lang[‘ticket_priority_db_1’] = ‘Low Priority’;

If you add your own status/priority you can find id on the left side of the table the first column will be ID.


Translating new ticket status


On the screenshot there is new ticket status created Work Done with ID 6.
If you don't add this ticket status in your custom_lang.php by default will be shown as Work Done.

To translate the ticket status navigate to your custom_lang.php file and add the following line:

$lang[‘ticket_priority_db_6’] = ‘Work Done’;

You can see the the language key is ending with the status ID (_6).

The same process is with the ticket priorities.

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